Starting a flower farming business
How to get started as a flower farmer.
Ever dreamed of growing flowers for a living?
In my course I will teach you the step by step guide of how to start flower farming on a small scale. And help you decide on where you want your new venture to take you.
This course is aimed at beginners and anyone with a love of gardening and flowers that wish to pursue selling flowers as a career.
This course is ideal for anyone that has taken my free mini course and is competent at growing flowers already and looking to make a business from it.
Your Instructor
My name is Emma. Chief rose sniffer and creator of A Bunch Of Wild.
I live in Bedfordshire with my family, our bonkers beagle called Purdey and a small brood of bantams.
I grow gorgeous flowers to sell at my garden gate and have a pop-up flower stall at my local village. I also mentor florists and flower growers with styling and photography.
If you have any questions please head over to my website to get in touch!